Finley Senior Citizens Hall Lease to FAN

Pursuant to Section 47A of the Local Government Act 1993, Berrigan Shire give notice of its intent to lease to Finley Arts Network Inc. (FAN) the land and buildings at 78 Denison St, Finley (Lot 21 DP 585045) known as the Finley Senior Citizens Hall. 

The proposed lease is for a five-year term with rent set at $500 per annum, determined on its use as a community facility. 

FAN propose to use the facility to deliver community arts services to members and the general public. 

The public is invited to make submissions regarding the proposed lease. 

Submissions should be made in writing to:  

Karina Ewer  

Chief Executive Officer 

56 Chanter Street, Berrigan NSW 2712  

Submission will be accepted by Council until close of business Friday 29 April 2024. 

