Do I need a Building or Planning Approval?

Not all development requires approval of a development application (DA). Whether you need to lodge a development application depends on the type of development you're proposing.

Exempt development (no DA required)

Exempt development is very low impact development or minor renovation work which satisfies pre-specified requirements. If your development meets the requirements, it will not require approval.

Even if your project is considered to be exempt development, other approvals may be required. 

To determine if your development is considered exempt, visit the NSW Government Department of Planning and Environment website.

Complying development (fast track approval)

Complying development is a combined planning and construction approval. Straightforward development that meets the pre-specified requirements are eligible for fast-track approval, without the need for a full development application. Fast-track approval can take up to ten business days.

To determine if your project is considered complying development, visit the NSW Government Department of Planning, Industry and Environment’s 

If your project is considered complying, you'll need to obtain a Complying Development Certificate (CDC) from either Council or a private certifier. Other approvals may also be required.



If your project does not satisfy the pre-specified requirements, and cannot be considered as exempt or complying development, you will need to obtain development consent for your proposal (submit a DA).  

If you think your development may be permitted without consent or you're unsure about the categories, we encourage you to contact the Building and Planning team to discuss on 03 5888 5100.