Riverina and Murray Joint Organisation


The NSW Government established joint organisations under the Local Government Act 1993 (the Act) in 2018.

Joint organisations are new local government entities with legal powers to support councils to work together for better rural and regional outcomes.

The RAMJO region covers an area of 72,724 square kilometres and has a population of 151,861 people.

Joint organisations help to build stronger councils and to improve service delivery and infrastructure in key priority areas such as water security, energy, transport, digital connectivity, waste management and health, across these rural and regional communities.

The small RAMJO team works collaboratively with the General Managers and Mayors and other staff at each council to identify priority issues and then advocate for government funding and industry support to address these key projects.

Berrigan Shire Council along with Albury, Federation, Edward River, Griffith, Hay, Leeton, Murray River, Murrumbidgee are member Councils of the Riverina and Murray Joint Organisation (RAMJO).

Further information is available from the RAMJO website.